Fire Proof your Christmas Tree How to Keep it Fresh for a Month
Released on = December 5, 2006, 7:54 pm
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Industry = Internet & Online
Press Release Summary = Immediately after making your cut at the bottom of the tree trunk, mix your homemade preservative. Your tree will be SOAKING WET with water, in fact, at least 800 per cent more water than when the tree was growing in the forest. No needles will drop, no matter what variety you choose for your home. The tree will give off a fragrance like that which you\'ve sensed when walking through a forest of evergreens.
Press Release Body = Into the two-gallon bucket, add HOT WATER from the kitchen faucet. Fill the bucket with hot water to within an inch or so of the top of the bucket. Then, into the hot water, add the following ingredients:
two cups of Karo syrup two ounces of liquid chlorine bleach two pinches of epsom salt one-half teaspoon of Boraxo one teaspoon of chelated iron Stir these ingredients thoroughly in the bucket, then IMMEDIATELY stand the trunk of the tree in this solution. Leave the tree in the bucket until the day comes when you want to take the tree indoors for decoration. THIS MIXTURE SHOULD NOT BE MIXED IN A FOOD PREPARATION AREA. ALSO THE MIXTURE SHOOULD BE LABELED AS POISONOUS AND KEPT OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. A hint: in the morning when you get up, FlLL THE WELL OF THE TREE STAND WITH FLUID RIGHT UP TO THE TOP. When you retire for the evening AGAIN FILL THE WELL OF THE TREE STAND. The well must be kept filled so the solution is always readily available to your Christmas tree, and then IT IS FlREPROOFED.
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Contact Details = J P Sammartano 171 E Granada Plaza Suite 1530 Ormond Beach Florida 32176 386 441 9400
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